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Garden Club meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month beginning in February.  Meetings, under normal circumstances, are held at the United Methodist Church, 1401 South Maple Street. Proof of vaccination plus booster are required with social distancing and N95 masks mandatory (or equivalent CDC approved mouth and nose covering). Due to the pandemic, meetings may be held via Zoom, or locations may change. Please feel free to invite a guest to attend any meeting. (Note: TBD = to be determined)

For Zoom meetings, members will receive an email link prior to the meetings. Members are free to share the link to others who are interested in attending. (Scroll down to highlighted area for next meeting info)


Contact Elizabeth Olson for Zoom Meeting Links & to get on list.

JANUARY -- No Meeting

FEBRUARY 8 -- 12 PM Noon -- Ruth's  on Stafford Ln S in Dundas,

Luncheon, Speaker: Michelle Mero Riedel on Garden Photography. 

Learn about the art of Garden Photography from Michelle Mero Riedel. University of Minnesota Extension Master Gardener, BA in Speech Communications, Professional Photographer, Writer and photographer, Northern Gardener magazine.

MARCH 8 -- 1 PM -- Zoom Meeting: New Plants for 2022, Speaker: Bernie Emery

Description: Bernie Emery, a Certified Professional at Knecht’s Nurseries, will share information about the best garden plants of 2022.  Link to Bernie Emery's Presentation, HERE

APRIL 12 -- 1 PM -- Paisley Gardens, Succulent Containers, Speaker: Rachel Kinny

Learn about the art of growing succulents and planting a tabletop succulent container garden. Make your own container of succulents to take home. You can enjoy it inside during the winter, and move it outside to enjoy in the summer. This will be a hands-on experience.


MAY 10 -- 1:00 PM -- Carleton Arb, Walking Tour


Guided Tour of the Carleton Arb with Nancy Braker, Director of Cowling Arboretum, Carleton College

Description: Enjoy a guided walking tour of the Carleton Arb in Spring and discover the beautiful wild flowers in our area.

MAY 14 -- PLANT SALE:  This has been cancelled for 2022. We hope to resume next year.

JUNE 14 -- 12:00 PM Noon -- Odd Fellows Park, Luncheon

We hope to be able to gather and safely distance.  We will announce later if this will be some type of pre-paid catered box lunch.

JULY 9 & 10 -- 11 AM - 4PM -- Northfield Area Garden Tour -- for details click HERE

Co-Chairs:  Donna May, Elizabeth Olson

Tour a collection of beautiful Northfield gardens.

AUGUST 9 -- 1 PM -- Tour of Lavender Barnyard in Farmington on August 9 at 1 pm. 

Members or guests will need to pre register because the owner Marie Schulwerck limits tour participants to 20 -plus there are only eight parking spaces so carpooling is planned for 12:15 from the 1st UCC parking lot.

SEPTEMBER 13 -- 1pm -- Keepsake Cidery, Dundas, Making Apple Cider, Speakers/Owners: Nate & Tracy Watters

Learn about the process of selection of apples and the making of apple cider. Keepsake Cidery is a real treasure in our own neighborhood.

Keepsake Cidery is located at 4609 135th St E Dundas. One mile south of Menards,  Take hwy 3 south to Keepsake Cidery signs to the left of Hwy 3.  Follow signs to 4609 135th St E Dundas.  Plenty of parking!  And guests are always welcome.


​​OCTOBER 11 -- 1:00 PM -- Fifty North, 1651 Jefferson Pkwy, Northfield, MN 55057, Gardens That Feed Birds, Speaker: Katie Anderegg

Learn about how to prepare and grow a garden which can also help feed our native birds. Katie Anderegg is the Naturalist/ Operations Manager at River Bend Nature Center in Faribault, MN.

Proof of vaccination plus booster required, social distancing and N95 mask mandatory (or equivalent CDC approved mouth and nose covering). Download the presentation HERE.

NOVEMBER 8 -- 1:00 PM -- Wreath & Centerpiece Decorating,

Speaker/Host: Heidi Brosseau, Location:  8821 100st E, Northfield MN

This is a hands-on event. Participants may pre-order plain balsam wreaths ($25) or DIY wreath form ($10) or bring containers to use as a base for centerpieces. Please bring decorations to share, and natural fall items like leaves, grasses, cones, berries, spruce branches. Bring tools to cut materials.

Must prepay by Friday, November 4th -- send checks directly to Treasurer or NGC, PO Box 745, Northfield MN.

DECEMBER 13 -- 2:30 PM  Holiday Tea at the Northfield Golf Course with Harpist Richard Collman. Location: 707 Prairie St, Northfield, MN 55057.

Must Prepay $15 by Dec 6th. Send checks directly to Treasurer Tom Gagnon-1508 Huron Ct., Northfield MN.

As always, guests are welcome to attend (prepayment applies)

Proof of vaccination plus booster required, social distancing and N95 mask mandatory (or equivalent CDC approved mouth and nose covering)

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