Master Gardeners
People who have completed training through the University of Minnesota Extension Service https://extension.umn.edu/master-gardener/become-master-gardener are designated Master Gardeners. Their responsibility is to work with organizations, present educational programs on horticulture and answer questions that the public might have on gardening. The number to reach Master Gardens in Rice County is 507-332-6109. Members of the Northfield Garden Club who are currently Master Gardeners are: Karen Adams, Judy Code, Charlene Erickson-Knox, Carol Korda, Kathy Sidla and Marcia Walters.
Landscaping with Native Plants of Minnesota by Lynn M. Steiner
Minnesota State Horticultural Society
The Minnesota State Horticultural Society (MSHS) is a member-supported, not-for-profit, education and charitable corporation established in 1866. Their mission is to serve northern gardeners through education, encouragement, and community. Their publication, Northern Gardener, contains articles pertinent to us in this area. Their web site is: www.northerngardener.org
Members of the Northfield Garden Club have found the following organization websites to be useful in planning and maintaining their gardens. These organizations are listed alphabetically. Click Here
Gardening Blogs
www.Mynortherngarden.com is a blog by Mary Schier
Northern Garden is a blog for sharing ideas and experiences with people who grow vegetables, shrubs, trees, and flowers in USDA Zones 2-5. The blog, which has been on the web since 2007 extends the work Mary Schier does as editor of Northern Gardener magazine. The magazine is the official publication of the Minnesota State Horticultural Society and it has been around for more than 140 years! It’s the only publication devoted exclusively to gardening in cold climates. Mary's blog includes gardening tips, book reviews, recipes and recommendations for public gardens to visit.