Northfield Garden Club Community Projects

Bike Bridge
The "flowering bikes" located at the entrance to the Peggy Prowe Bridge on the Northfield/Dundas bike trail was Judy Code's idea. This whimsical project, established in 2016, was jointly funded by the Northfield Garden Club, Northfield in Bloom and the City of Northfield.
Bridge Square
Caring for Bridge Square in downtown Northfield is one of the most important projects for the Northfield Garden Club. The flowers and decorations in the planters and in the Circle Garden at Bridge Square are paid for and maintained throughout the year by Club members. Funds to support our work come from proceeds generated by our May Plant Sale and July Garden Tour. Each spring members plant pansies and daffodils. In June, the spring flowers are replaced with summer plantings that complement the hanging baskets along Division Street. The planters are weeded and "dead-headed" throughout the summer and fall. For winter months, the planters are filled with evergreens and winter decorations.

Everybody Park
In 2005 the Northfield Garden Club gifted the Northfield City Park Department $1,500.00 to buy a planter and landscaping for Every Body Park, an ADA accessible playground, located at Spring Creek Park at the intersection of Jefferson Parkway and Maple Street. There is an open play area adjacent to the soccer complex.
Greenvale Community Garden
In 2006 the Northfield Garden Club granted nearly $1,800.00 to Dan Hudson, Arlene Kjar and others to start a community garden. With funding in place, they approached the Northfield School Board who granted them access to a plot on school grounds just west of Greenvale Park School on Lincoln Parkway. The following spring, they got to work to create a successful addition to the community. Interested people can rent a space and enjoy their own efforts to garden. Excess produce is donated to the Food Shelf.

Pedestrian Bridge
Each summer, the Northfield Garden Club pays for and maintains the flowering baskets on the Pedestrian Bridge. The color palette for the flowers are coordinated with the colors of the hanging baskets the City provides along Division Street.
Pergola Park
In 2006, the Northfield Garden Club designed and funded the construction of a Pergola, memorial stone and rose garden for Riverside Park. Northfield Garden Club members maintain the Pergola and Memorial Rose Garden throughout each growing season. The photos below show the development of the project and its appearance today.

Children's Pollinator Gardens
Raised gardens have been established in Riverside Park in downtown Northfield to provide flowers for pollinating insects. Three gardens are designed in the shapes of insects: the Butterfly, Bee and Dragonfly Gardens. These gardens are planted with species that attract important pollinators, such as butterflies and bees. These gardens are intended to appeal to children and to help teach them about the value of flowering plants in supporting pollinators. These projects were jointly funded by the Northfield Garden Club, Northfield in Bloom and the City of Northfield. Garden Club members maintain these gardens along with many other public gardens in the city.
And Educational Kiosk was added in 2023. See more information here.